
Deeper Bible study starts here

Whether you’re doing daily devotionals or in-depth sermon prep, you’ll discover more with Logos.

Digital resources and powerful tools for in-depth Bible study

Instant guides Visual study Original languages

Begin your study in seconds

With a click, open a guide to any Bible verse, passage, biblical word, or key term and find links to only the most relevant content—from every corner of your digital library.

Read the Bible in color

Unearth ancient sites with maps and atlases, take an interactive tour of the psalms, outline passages, and use visual filters to explore any aspect of a passage.

Unearth the ancient text

Launch a word study or perform detailed original language searches. Whether you’re a Greek or Hebrew expert or can’t tell alpha from omega, you can harness Logos for a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

Digital books

Study with thousands of scholars

Get access to premium original content from Lexham Press. From modern teachers like Heiser, Frame, and Osborne to classic authors like Augustine, Luther, and Spurgeon, study with high-quality resources you can trust.

Teaching tools

Turn learning into lessons

Logos is built for the student, teacher, and curious learner. Write your sermon or lesson, then use Sermon Editor and other Logos tools to automatically generate teaching materials in seconds.

Get these benefits and more in Faithlife Connect

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Self-paced video courses for biblical learning

Bible Study

Digital books and tools for powerful Bible study


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