Products>Mobile Ed: NT385 Book Study: Revelation (9 hour course)

Mobile Ed: NT385 Book Study: Revelation (9 hour course)

Digital Logos Edition

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Examine one of the most exciting and controversial books in the Bible with Dr. Keener’s commentary on the book of Revelation. Explore the challenging aspects of the book as well as the beautiful elements that invite us to worship God. Dr. Keener focuses on the themes in Revelation, including prayer, suffering in light of hope, and how the Spirit empowers us to share Christ with others.

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

Unit 1: How to Approach Revelation

  • An Overview of Commentaries
  • Central Themes in Revelation
  • Interpretive Principles for Reading Revelation
  • Reading Revelation Badly
  • Common Questions When Interpreting Revelation
  • Reapplied Symbols in Revelation
  • Exploring Symbols: 666 and Babylon
  • The Symbolism of the Mark of the Beast
  • The Time Structure of Revelation
  • Emperor Worship and the Setting of Revelation
  • The Context of Apocalyptic Literature
  • Comparing Revelation and Other Apocalyptic Texts

Unit 2: The Beginning of Revelation

  • Jesus in Revelation
  • The Time Is Soon
  • Epistolary Introduction
  • The Centrality of Jesus
  • The Narrative Introduction
  • The Portrayal of Jesus
  • Jesus among the Lampstands
  • The Seven Stars and the Seven Angels

Unit 3: The Messages to the Seven Churches

  • The Church at Ephesus
  • The Church at Smyrna
  • The Church at Pergamum
  • The Church at Thyatira
  • The Church at Sardis
  • The Church at Philadelphia
  • Excursus: The Period of Tribulation
  • The Church at Laodicea, Part 1
  • The Church at Laodicea, Part 2

Unit 4: The Throne Room Vision

  • A Scene of Heavenly Worship
  • The Elders and the Four Creatures
  • Jesus the Lamb
  • Hymns of Redemption

Unit 5: Opening the Seven Seals

  • Seals of Judgment
  • Martyrs as Sacrifices
  • God’s End-Time Army
  • Interpreting the 144,000
  • Reapplying Traditional Biblical Symbols
  • Plague of Locusts
  • Eating the Scroll

Unit 6: Key Imagery in Revelation

  • Two Witnesses and the Temple
  • The Earth Belongs to God
  • The Mother, the Child, and the Dragon
  • A Reapplication of Time
  • Celestial Combat

Unit 7: Identifying the Beasts

  • The Beast from the Sea
  • The Dragon, the Beast, and the Lamb
  • The Parody of the Beast
  • The Beast’s Name

Unit 8: The Beginning of Judgment

  • The Army on Mount Zion
  • Announcements of Judgment
  • God’s Winepress
  • Bowls of God’s Anger
  • The Plagues Begin
  • Babylon the Prostitute
  • The Kings of the Earth
  • Babylon’s Economy
  • The Arrogance of Rome
  • The Economics of Rome
  • Crucial Imports

Unit 9: The Reign of God

  • The Beginning of God’s Reign
  • Views of the Millennium
  • The Millennium as a Literary Device
  • New Heavens and Earth
  • A Depiction of the City
  • The Glory of God’s City


  • Final Thoughts

Product Details

  • Title: NT385 Book Study: Revelation
  • Instructor: Craig S. Keener
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 9
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

About the Instructor

Dr. Craig S. Keener is professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary, and is the author of 17 books, four of which have won book awards in Christianity Today. One, IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, has sold more than half a million copies. He has authored scholarly commentaries on Matthew, John (two volumes), Acts (four volumes), and more briefly on Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Revelation.

Getting the most out of Mobile Ed

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course comes with an Activities resource that functions as a type of “workbook” for the course. This resource includes learning activities such as: places for you to respond to reflection questions, exercises that will challenge and show you how deepen your understanding of this course by using specific Logos tools and resources, tutorial videos on different features of Logos Bible Software, and links to relevant Logos guides and tools. A link to open the Activities resource is conveniently placed at the end of every segment.



8 ratings

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  1. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


  2. Richard D. Villanueva Sr.
  3. Matt DeVore

    Matt DeVore


  4. Samuel B. Ball

    Samuel B. Ball


    Though I am moved by Dr. Keener's humility, and regard him as an awesome teacher, I was a bit dissapointed with this course. As with Keener's other works, I was expecting some meat on this bone. I found it to be a very general introduction at best rather than an indepth look. I was also frustrated by his frequent default to a more preterist interpretation rather than historical or futuristic. Being a general intro of sorts, I wish he had at least, if only briefly, exposed us to the historical/futuristic views. Overall, love Keener and have a deep respect for him. Appreciate his devotion and committment to the Lord. Would I buy again knowing what I know now? Probably not:( Would I recommend to others? Suppose it would, but would also direct them to a few others resources to round off their exposure....
  5. Kaye Anderson

    Kaye Anderson


    Informative, even handed and interestingly presented. Always points us to Christ.
  6. Joshua



    I really enjoyed this course. Dr Keener exudes genuine humility in his teaching, something that is not usually common amongst the ME courses.
  7. Angela Meister
    I really enjoyed this course and the instructor. I appreciate how he treated different views with respect as well as showing how people historically viewed the book incorrectly and showing why from the scripture itself. This course was a delight, has the gospel throughout, and is encouraging. I look forward to digesting more of this over time. Keener keeps the audience of the time as well as the application for the church through time in view. Much appreciated. I am a bible student and do not hold a particular view of eschatology at this time, though my fellowship holds amillennial.
  8. David Cheatham
    I was excited to have this mobile ed course. However, a lot of the content is in The Bible Back Ground Commentary and the NIV Application Commentary, both by Dr. Keener. While I enjoy seeing and hearing Dr. Keener teach, I could have saved a lot of money because I have these two books (hard copy). In fact, at the beginning of the course, Dr. Keener said, "So I’ve written one book, actually, that’s very relevant to this course, a commentary on Revelation; and also in my IVP Bible Background Commentary, the section in Revelation incorporates much of the same material in a more accessible format". I hope this post will assist others who are considering the purchase. The videos do have a transcript that accompany each segment and suggestions for further study along with activities that I have not used. I am presently on the church in Pergamum and the experience is the same so far.
  9. Kevin L Davis
    My wife and I are still deciding whether we will subscribe. One question is...does the material that accompanies the lectures (if that is the structure)...does the material come in a paper book as part of the subscription or online or both?
  10. Bradley Novacek
    Anyone know if this is coming from a particular eschatological position, or if it addresses the text from multiple positions?


Collection value: $494.99
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