Products>Common Misconceptions About Common Christian Problems (1.5 hour course)

Common Misconceptions About Common Christian Problems (1.5 hour course)


Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $31.50
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In Common Misconceptions about Common Christian Problems licensed psychologist and seminary professor Dr. C. Gary Barnes explores some myths surrounding the ten most common problems faced by Christians today. The list of problems—which was created from surveys regarding reasons people seek pastoral counseling—include issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, grief, divorce, and more. Dr. Barnes reviews eight common myths for each issue, explaining why they are not true. This course will help you recognize misconceptions Christians have about some of their most common problems and become better equipped to work through those problems.

This course is adapted from CO121 Pastoral Counseling: Foundations and Practices by C. Gary Barnes. You can check out the full course here.

  • Marriage Problems/Divorce
  • Worry, Anxiety, and Fear
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Sexual Problems
  • Anger and Hostility
  • Problems with Children
  • Grief
  • Guilt and Forgiveness
  • Catastrophic/Terminal Illness
  • Title: Common Misconceptions About Common Christian Problems
  • Instructor: C. Gary Barnes
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 1.5
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  1. Dapo Olaoye

    Dapo Olaoye


  2. Annette Dimond
    Is this any different than the free videos offered by Dr. Barnes on the DTS website?


Collection value: $31.50
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